- I add the consumption tax. 加算消费税。
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。
- I added the floater in the lane over the big guys. 我把漂浮者加入在大的家伙上的小路。”
- Ruki:At first we compose the music, then I add the lyrics. 首先,我们先作曲,然后再由我进行填词。
- Mr Abe has studiously suppressed a debate about raising the consumption tax. 安倍已经谨慎地压制了提高消费税的争论。
- Any adjustments to the Consumption Tax taxable items, tax rates (tax amounts) shall be determined by the State Council. 消费税税目、税率(税额)的调整,由国务院决定。
- Both the VAT and the Consumption Tax were applicable to entities importing goods. 增值税和消费税均适用于进口货物的实体。
- The Consumption Tax assessable period shall be one day, three days, five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month. 消费税的纳税期限分别为一日。三日、五日、十日、十五日或者一个月。
- Note: I added the linkages of the articles from TWBlog and LRA. 注:再加上了台湾部落格和劳权会的文章。
- Fuel tax: MOF yesterday said the consumption tax for gasoline and diesel will remain the same. 燃油税:财政部昨天宣布,汽油和柴油消费税不变。
- VAT and the Consumption Tax on imported goods were collected by General Customs Administration ("Customs") at the point of entry. 对进口产品征收的增值税和消费税由海关总署(“海关”)在入境地征收。
- B: In the turnover tax system, what's the relationship between the Business Tax, the Value-added Tax and the Consumption Tax? 您刚才谈到了流转税,在流转税体系中,营业税与增值税、消费税是怎样的一种关系?
- For taxpayers exporting taxable consumer goods, the Consumption Tax shall be exempt, except as otherwise determined by the State Council. 对纳税人出口应税消费品,免征消费税;国务院另有规定的除外。
- I added the greatest intensity, I come to the ball again be full of flowers. 我把力度加到最大,球再一次被我开了个满场花。
- For the goods subject to the consumption tax, the policies on export rebate or exemption of consumption tax shall be cancelled accordingly. 对其中属于应征消费税的货物,也相应取消出口退(免)消费税政策。
- Whisk the egg and then add the flour. 打好鸡蛋以後再加面粉。
- For taxable consumer goods sub-contracted for processing, the Consumption Tax due shall be paid to the local competent tax authorities where the sub-contractors are located. 委托加工的应税消费品,由受托方向所在地主管税务机关解缴消费税税款。
- He has to cut down on the consumption of meat. 他不得不减少吃肉。
- How do I add a form to the taskbar? 我怎样在任务栏增加一个窗体?
- The naphtha produced by a naphtha producing enterprise for itself to continually produce ethylene and aromatic products shall be exempted from the consumption tax. (一)石脑油生产企业自产用于本企业连续生产乙烯、芳烃类产品的石脑油,免征消费税。